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My philosophy has always been that you can do a lot of great things with just a few simple tools, what it all comes down to is making the most out of what you have got. It is a universal truth that anything you have a real love for, you have the ability to achieve it. You have to have an inner will to get things done, you have to have a strong desire, because without your passion, your ambition, your determination and drive, nothing would be possible. Some need a strong sense of direction to know themselves, others need a strong sense of self to know their direction. Be curious, and however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. You will get something in life, it depends on the purity of your intentions and how you put your efforts forward to succeed. Life will be organised around the standards we set ourselves.


I find that very little is needed to achieve things, you just need to have the ambition and passion for what you want to do. Living a simple way of life goes a long way as you don't get distracted by things that shouldn't be there in your way. When you live a simple way of life, your senses become more pure and strong, your appreciation for solitude and creativity only gets stronger. In that solitude, you find a great freedom, that we all seek, and few of us ever really find. Growth is very important for us, in terms of how we develop and realise our strengths. We all need space to properly grow, much like plants, we have different needs and know what's good for our well being. Reflect on everything in nature, a plant for instance, give it enough light, nutrition and air that it needs so it can grow and flourish. People can flourish and grow too, though unlike plants, we make choices for ourselves and for what is good for our health.


Whatever it is that you do in your life, you've got to be completely present and engaged in it. Embrace your spirit and your wisdom, for those things will be the driving force to get you through adversity. Behind every single positive action is a positive intention, because you create the future that you would like to see by taking gradual steps to become what you want to see in the present moment. You are always in control of yourself, the more you'll realise this, the more responsibility and freedom you will have. Only we can master our mind and heart, as that is what it takes to live a life filled with achievements and great things most people consider beyond their capabilities. I think we start to live a life that is worth living for, just at the moment that as we start doing the things that are worthy of doing, there is meaning in it, as we are listening to our heart, following it and there is nothing more truthful than that.


In order to develop anything in your life, you need a strong foundation. The main purpose of a foundation is to hold the structure together, whether it is a project, a building, a piece of music, a painting, an exercise routine or a connection with someone. It's important to work on the foundation and strengthen it, as you know that adding to that particular foundation, will let you develop something even greater. When you have a reliable foundation of freedom, integrity, confidence and courage, you will have many opportunities in your life. It also awakens your independence when you know that you have many options on your desired path. When you feel confident and free to pursue almost anything, you'll be open to even more opportunities. Confidence is essential for living your best life, it gives you more freedom, the confidence that follows when you trust in who you are, your skills and in your abilities.


We must have light in our soul to bring colour into the world. Our passions bloom into gardens when they are being fulfilled, they grow and get nourishment every time we connect with them. Anything we do voluntarily can become a process of growth and a real source of contentment. Everything that is happening in the world is happening within us, all interwoven, all of life's changes coming to light, experiences that transpire and the wonders in our minds, it's for everyone to make sense of, the answers are found within us. The true essence of living is to have an awareness of the world we live in and of ourselves in mind, body and spirit. It's time to shift our focus to the things we can change.


When we decide to be ourselves, we offer something no one else can give. Our path itself is a reflection of who we are and who we become in the process of living it. Be aware of our path, we may not know where it may lead to, but not knowing may inspire us to travel it. The moment we connect with our heart, the body recognises it and expresses itself like a river flowing into an ocean of beauty. Nature is our greatest teacher and also our greatest healer, it gives us everything we need in order to flourish and to grow. The most important moments we'll ever have are the ones we'll have with ourselves.


When it’s all said and done, growth is the only thing that matters. If we fulfill what we are pursuing on a daily basis, we won't have to worry about the future. When we know our purpose, when we have a clear direction for our journey and a specific outcome we are trying to achieve, everything becomes much more clear, because it is the decisions we make, repeated over the years, that determine the quality of our life.


Solitude is the real key to personal growth. A person who is deeply connected to their heart becomes a better version of themselves. Solitude gives us the space to just be and observe ourselves. To know ourselves, we got to spend time with ourselves, to discover and to realise who we are. Growth happens in solitude, it happens when we take responsibility and take control of ourselves.


In times of change, our purpose here is to flourish and improve our existence for the greater good, to kindle the eternal flame of inspiration, vision, hope and love. The most essential kind of freedom is to be who we really are and express ourselves the way that we want to. There is no greater love than the love we share from the depths of our heart with those who feel it.


That which is ours, will always return to us. That which we take, will always be taken from us.


An rud is annamh is iontach. Anáil na beatha an t-athrú.


Patrick Christopher Graven



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